It has been quite some time since I last blogged. Now that's a familiar phrase, I think I may have used that one before! It's been a funny couple of months where very little writing has taken place, very little reading too. I don't know why this happens with me, but it does from time to time and it usually takes a lot of effort to get my head back into the writing/reading zone. That said, my creativity has channeled itself into another area so it's not been dormant altogether. My alter ego OpalFire (the photographer) has been busy creating mainly flower art using archive photographs as the weather has not been very co-operative - it's not easy to photograph a flower when it is swaying in a determined breeze or being drenched by persistent rain (the photographer doesn't like it much either!).
I belong to a small critique group and a few weeks ago we made the decision to begin a group blog to give our thoughts about books we've read, writing techniques, and writing in general. At the moment we are still in the setting up stage with one book blog almost ready to be published, and another in the initial stages. So do look out for "Tales From The Bunker" which will go live very shortly.
Although the writing and reading has suffered somewhat, the creative mind has continued to work in other ways, and I'm hoping that a very imminent trip to Rome and Sorrento will kick start the imagination!